Anxiety, Depression & Student Ministry
I am not a doctor or professional counselor. This is not medical advice. Please make sure you consult with your own doctor and develop a personal plan for your anxiety and depression.
The Fall of Man
Over 18% of our population struggles with anxiety or depression. Those numbers are alarming to most –especially to those within church circles. However, it shouldn’t surprise us when we consider the overwhelming effects of the fall.
“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Romans 8:19-22
Creation is groaning under the weight of sin, waiting to be set free from its broken state. The pervasiveness of the fall has greatly affected not only our souls, but also the state of our earthly bodies. Viruses, cancer, broken bones, anxiety and depression – these are all evidence that we are living in a broken world. Thankfully, we are not without hope.
Our Hope
There is a vast difference between struggling with anxious thoughts and actually suffering with clinical anxiety or depression. The hope for every struggle remains the same - Jesus Christ has come to save lost mankind.
As leaders in the church, we must learn to live in light of redemption. Though we suffer with the overwhelming effects of the fall each and every day, we must learn to keep our eyes on our eternal hope. God is redeeming all things through His Son. One day, he will make all things new. This broken world will no longer groan under the weight of sin. There is a day coming when anxiety and depression will be no more.
What to do about anxiety and depression in your own life?
We just talked about the amazing hope that we have in Christ. As we wait for that day, there are some things you can do to help combat anxiety and depression now.
Run to Jesus
Life in ministry is hard. Often, it can seem overwhelming and very lonely. Not only are we carrying our own burdens, but also the burdens of others. No one understands the weariness that comes with caring for others more than Christ does. Instead of running from Him in your hurt, fall in His arms. He offers healing and hope in the midst of brokenness.
Confide in a Mentor
The enemy wants to shame you. His job is to accuse you over and over again. He wants you to hide in your brokenness. That isn’t what the Lord calls us to do.
The beauty of the Body of Christ is that we are stronger together. We were made for Biblical community, not isolation. Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy and remain isolated. Confide in a mentor who will help you find medical help, encourage you in the Word, and pray for you continually.
Find a Physician and Biblical Counselor
Have your mentor help you find a physician and a Biblical counselor to help you in your fight. Anxiety and Depression are not just spiritual issues, they are also physical. The fall of man has affected the chemistry in our brains. Unless the Lord miraculously intervenes in your clinical anxiety and depression (which He very well could) you should seek outside help from medical professionals and Biblical counselors.
What to do about anxiety and depression in your student’s lives?
These struggles are not just present in the lives of adults, many of our students silently suffer with anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, many of them believe the same lies of shame and isolation.
Our teens are stressed. College choices, economic status, identity and physical appearance are all contributing to the increasing number of students suffering with anxiety or depression.
How to Help our Students…
Start before it becomes a problem.
Anxiety and Depression often stem from an incapability to deal with the stresses of life. Help your students develop healthy routines and habits, so they are able to confidently handle whatever life throws their way.
Help them understand grace. In a world that demands perfection, teach them to pursue and rest in the Lord. They need to fully understand that the work of Christ alone has secured their eternity.
Don’t add to the stress.
Their lives are constantly demanding perfection from them.
Be here. Be there. Do this. Do that.
Encourage them to pursue Christ and to fellowship with other believers. Encourage them to live holy lives, set apart for Christ, but don’t burden them with crazy expectations. Don’t make faith about what they do. Make sure they know, it’s about what has been done for them.
Be there.
Make sure that your students know that they can always come to you with their struggles. Be available. Don’t be judgmental or hurtful. Show them Christ by giving them grace. Pray with them and for them. Then, give them tangible ways to tackle their struggles.
Don’t ignore bigger problems.
Some teens aren’t just stressed. Some students are struggling with actual clinical issues. If you notice that you have a student struggling with undiagnosed anxiety or depression, you need to speak up. A great first place to go is to your senior pastor. Parents also need to be involved. Make sure the student knows they aren’t alone in this battle.
Using God’s Word to Fight
Whether you’re struggling with anxiety and depression, or you have a student who is, God’s Word is the ultimate weapon. Anxiety, Depression & Student Ministry
Using God’s Word to Fight
Whether you’re struggling with anxiety and depression, or you have a student who is, God’s Word is the ultimate weapon. Storing up truth within your heart is a surefire way to combat the lies of the enemy.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
Here is a free printable of Philippians 4:6-7. Put it up somewhere that you constantly see it. Commit it to memory and use God’s Word to fight.
Ultimately, rely on Jesus and get outside help. This is not a fight that you have to face alone.