Walking Away: Part 3
Growing Lifelong Disciples
Over the last two blog posts, we discussed a huge problem facing the Church today. Students who have come through our ministries, are facing a slow deconstruction of their faith. The voice of the world is pulling apart their idea of Christianity limb from limb. Satan is roaming through our student ministries, looking for lives to destroy and for brethren to accuse.
But, Jesus…He is still winning hearts. He is still fighting for us. He claimed victory over this battle a long time ago on the cross. He is saving students and He is keeping students in the Father’s strong hand.
What is our part in this battle? Let’s review.
Preaching that Gospel – the True Gospel that changes lives for eternity.
(Re)defining student ministry. Allow what we do to be the ministry OF our students, not just ministry FOR our students.
Answering the difficult questions – the problem of evil, suicide, homosexuality, etc. Let’s not leave the world space to answer these questions for our students.
What else can be done to create lifelong disciples?
Develop Biblical Community
True disciples of Christ need deep, Biblical community to thrive. I came to know Christ as a child. I grew up in Church, yet was not involved in Biblical community until High School when my youth pastor began to disciple me. During this time, I also got heavily involved with our student ministry. A girl who once felt alone in her faith, was being strengthened with other believers through Scripture, prayer, and fellowship. This change was revolutionary in my walk with the Lord.
Check out what Scripture says about Biblical Community:
“They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47 CSB)
Devotion to God’s Word
Developing disciples of Christ within our student ministry takes intentionality. Games and hang outs have a rightful place, but they don’t change lives for eternity. However, God’s Word is living and active, cutting to the hearts of our students. We MUST dig into Scripture with our students. Teach them how to study in context. Talk about the entire redemptive story being played out in Scripture. Model for them how to passionately pursue Christ in the Word.
Fellowship is more than hanging out and eating pizza…though that is part of it. True fellowship is allowing other believers to see the depths of our hearts. It is confessing sin and coming before the cross together. True fellowship is encouraging our students to be accountable to one another in fighting sin. Overall, fellowship is pursuing a deep, abiding relationship with Christ together. Through it, we disciple one another to go out and make other disciples.
When we meet with our students, we must be sure to spend time in praise and adoration of the King. This corporate declaration of praise, this “meeting together in the temple” (Acts 2:46) is essential in developing disciples. Check out this blog post of authentic worship in student ministry!
Meaningful Service Projects
The New Testament Church was on fire for Christ. Thousands were being added each day. Think about their attitude. They selflessly served one another. If there was a need, it was quickly met. People were able to physically see the hands and feet of Christ through their service.
Let’s take a lesson from these believers. Meaningful Service Projects are a fantastic way for our students to experience being the hands and feet of Christ in the World. God uses these projects to open up eyes to a world outside of our student ministries and local bubbles. Employ meaningful service projects, where our students are serving in the name of Christ and verbally telling others about the love God has for them.
Bringing glory to God by creating lifelong disciples of Christ Jesus should be the goal of our student ministries. Middle and High School students have a huge potential to impact the world with the Gospel when they are living close to the Father’s heart. Take inventory of your ministry. Is God using your ministry to create disciples through the study of Scriptures, fellowship, worship, and service? These are tools that God has placed in our hands to prime hearts for Him to bring growth in their lives. Let’s use them wisely.